Land Registry

The Land Registry of PHOTO SA is staffed by experienced staff and utilizes all modern means of compiling a cadastre. Supported by photogrammetry and topography for the collection of spatial data, which is necessary during the compilation of a cadastre and cooperates with the field Geographic Information Systems .

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In the context of the National Land Registry studies prepared by the company, it has also developed appropriate software which achieves the safe and efficient execution of all phases of the study. Specifically, as the previous experience from the performed cadastral studies with the software CADEMATOGRAPHY developed by FOTOPO SA has shown, the advantages are:

  • continuous software support,
  • immediate intervention to solve problems,
  • immediate application of new instructions / specifications,
  • continuous security of deliverables,
  • immediate integration of tools whose need for existence appears during the elaboration of the study,
  • Independence from third parties – the contractor himself is responsible for the development and proper operation of the software, and not a third party, with a lack of legal commitment to the developer, and finally,
  • the overall view of the object by the developer and the user leads to the continuous improvement of the tools provided for speeding up the study


The company uses all modern land registry tools, such as RTK GPS, on-board ground photography systems and software for stereo image measurements, GIS software and Databases. The great advantage that results from the software development model for the needs of each study by the contractor himself is also pointed out.


The company, among others, has prepared and completed 2 studies of the National Land Registry (Local Government of Martinou, 10 Local Authorities of the Prefecture of Kefallinia), through which very great know-how was acquired in the fields of Geographic Information Systems, production of Orthophoto maps, management of large geographical databases. and descriptive) data, the operation of cadastral offices, communication with interested citizens, etc.

The company has also participated in the elaboration of a project of aerial photography and production of large-scale orthophoto maps on behalf of KTIMATOLOGIO SA. (LSO3) which includes part of Central Greece, Peloponnese, Crete and Aegean Islands.


Indicative projects: