Geographic Information Systems

PHOTOPO S.A. is active in the whole range of activities involved in the development of Geographic Information Systems, from the production and digitization of spatial data, to the design of spatial databases and the development of specialized desktop and web-based applications.


The relevant services offered by PHOTOPO SA is as follows:

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  • Digitization of ready-made maps, street plans, urban diagrams
  • Digitization by satellite imagery, orthophotos with or without terrestrial fillings
  • Collection and disposal of geo-referenced terrestrial images of roads
  • Data collection such as, street numbering and nomenclature, points of interest etc.
  • Design spatial databases with commercial and open source solutions (PostgreSQL, PostGIS).
  • Development of desktop and web-based Geographic Information Systems applications based on commercial applications (AutoCAD MAP and ArcGIS Desktop), as well as open source applications (GeoServer, MapServer).


The company, in addition to other logistical equipment, has three self-mapping systems with which the capture, georeferencing and management of terrestrial photographs is achieved, in order to be able to update the cartographic backgrounds of large areas that are part of Geographic Information Systems, in a short period of time.

In detail, the three systems are:


1. On-board system of two conventional digital cameras (indicative, CANON D1000), which are placed in positions suitable for photography parallel to the course of the vehicle, and take photos in the direction of movement and its opposite.


2. On-board system of two FlyCapture camcorders mounted on a specially designed carrier, of known geometry, which makes it possible to take stereoscopic pairs of photographs, which can be used to extract measurement information through photogrammetric methods.


3. Upcoming spherical (panoramic, 360 o ) video capture system Ladybug’s Pointgrey , with automatic GPS geotagging for stored spherical images, which makes it possible to capture spherical images that reflect the entire surroundings of the camera in high resolution.


The staff of the company has extensive work and research experience, implementing advanced solutions by participating in a number of European and national research programs.


Indicative projects: